Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Donald and Shug being cute and nicking my bed!

Dutch football club sign up a toddler

What on earth is the world coming to?

Although, if the vid is real - he's amazing!

Been enjoying....

Damn you AutoCorrect... classic....

Can't get this vid out my head... Love it!

Found an old photo of me and Lauren Lemarr on the set of Jazz Hands. Lol.

It’s been a weird day with a flu/hayfever induced haze.. Sorry guys if I didn’t get as much work done as usual.. But bath and rocking pj’s pre 9:30… That’s gotta be some sort of a record. Hopefully the room’ll quit spinning while I’m asleep. Got the second and third series of Doctor Who yesterday since we rewatched the first series in 3 days. Whoops. Dammit! Why did Phillip DeFranco have to start vlogging about it and get me interested again?!?! Oh well.. We’re already on the last ep on the second disk :S Right.. Time for me to get some sleep. Tioridh! Xx