Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shwim shwim shwim!

I had a great time last night - Monday nights are now my swimming nights (even though I’m not all that great a swimmer)

I managed to do 32 lengths of the pool… that’s 850 metres!!! **Squee!!!**

Do any of you guys go swimming regularly? I’m going to try the silicone web things on my hands to see if I can easy how tense my hands get and stop them cramping… I’ll post pics when I get them… maybe I should incorporate them into some sort of halloween costume… lol. They do look a bit freaky!

I didn’t even get the chance to take a piccy of my number of circles on google+ when they were the year of my birth, as quite a few of my friends have been doing… those guys swamped me before I got back from swimming! Over 2000 people following! My word!

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